In this world, oddities abound; strange plants, strange beasts, and even stranger humans. There is beauty in the strangeness of these things created in the world. Strangeness is arresting–you have to stop and look. You can’t accept what your eyes see.

Each of us is different, unique in the world. No one else is like you. You are the creation of an infinite God whose creativity is infinite. Did you ever wonder why snowflakes are unique? If a pattern is created, why not keep reproducing it over and over? Why the need for incomparable designs?

Think about our fingerprints. Each is different; enough so that we can be identified by the oily impressions we leave behind by our touch. And then, of course there is the “mother of all identifiers,” our DNA. Even our own science tells us that we are created completely unique to all others.

Psalm 139:14 — I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

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