After years of writing fiction, I learned a technique that helps me stay on track so that nothing interrupts the flow of my writing. It is a file of character names. If I’m in need of a name, I don’t have far to look.

Name Collection:

I have been collecting people’s names for years and have probably over a hundred names from which to choose. When I first began writing, I’d get stuck because I couldn’t figure out what to name my protagonist or any of my main characters for that matter. I would get only so far into the narrative, have to name a character and then just freeze. It was the catalyst for writer’s block. I couldn’t move forward until I’d named that character. It was agonizing to come up with a name that would suit.

Names are important. They can reveal something about the character, the time period, the ethnicity, and the gender. In my new book, Superstition Murder Club, one of my character’s name is Boom Boom Klutterbuck. What image does her name evoke? If I told you she is a former pole dancer from a club in Las Vegas but had to retire after her second hip replacement, would that name fit your image?

Naming a character before that character is created or developed is nigh on impossible. Having a file full of names is a great way to quickly christen your character and move on with the narrative. When you’re in the creative flow, you don’t want to be derailed because of a lack of name.

Creating a Character Name File:

Where do these names come from that are in my Character Name file? Everywhere. Today I was talking to a neighbor and she mentioned a name that just rang in my ears: Rilla Verlinden. I just love the name. It has a lovely rhythm, flows off the tongue. Even better, Rilla is short for Amyrillus. As soon as I got home, I put that name in my Character Name file.

The file is divided into male and female names, alphabetically listed. I have one page for current names, a page for futuristic/odd names and a page for old-fashioned names. As you develop your Character Name file, you can set it up any way it makes sense to you to help you to find a name quickly. Remember, names can be replaced easily with the ‘find and replace’ function on your computer. What is more important than finding the perfect name is that you keep writing.

Names Up for Grabs:

Here are a few character names that I haven’t used yet and you’re welcome to them: Rodman Stout, Petra Zurst, Tamar Simms, or Maddock Hayes.


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