Photo of Kaine's family

Nato, Elias and Theresa

The original story of Thanksgiving now evokes controversy by many, questioning the benevolence of the Pilgrims in their interaction with Native Peoples. There may be some merit in this; however, the concept of taking time once a year to express thankfulness makes Thanksgiving one of my favorite holidays.

I have much for which to be thankful. This week I have the great joy of having my son and his family with me — Nato, Theresa and Elias. Children are gifts from God. Their birth continues to be a miracle and their life is miracuous.

I may have been the receptacle by which my son Nato’s spirit entered the physical world, but I always considered his life special, unique, and autonomous. I was constantly amazed at his talent and intellect from very early on. Now he is a husband and father and internationally recognized art curator and I am further amazed at how he succeeded despite my many mistakes as a parent.

But getting back to thankfulness. . . there have been many studies done that reveal that thankfulness or gratitude is beneficial to our human existence.

My family tradition at Thanksgiving is to hold hands around the dinner table and from the youngest to the oldest, say one thing for which they are thankful. The oldest family member wraps up the family’s gratitude by saying the final blessing. It brings a tear to my eye every time– and then we EAT!

While you are thinking of those things that make you grateful, enjoy this song: Count Your Blessings, by Terry Terry. Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers! God bless you and your family.

cornucopia of thanks

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