Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made

In this world, oddities abound; strange plants, strange beasts, and even stranger humans. There is beauty in the strangeness of these things created in the world. Strangeness is arresting–you have to stop and look. You can’t accept what your eyes see. Each of us...
Stewards of the Earth

Stewards of the Earth

I am so proud of the young people of Planet Earth who are standing up for their planetary home. Climate change is not a liberal or conservative issue — it is a human issue. It is also a Christian issue because as children of God we are stewards of the land....
God Created Me

God Created Me

I am certain that God created me. I am not like anyone else. Scientifically, my DNA confirms this is true and also affirms my deeply held Christian faith. I have been writing since I was a child. I wrote through my rebellious teenage years, my chaotic married life,...

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