Palm Sunday

This Palm Sunday we begin Holy Week in unprecedented times. Many of us, who would be in church today, are in our living room or den, watching online services, reading our Bible, or praying for mercy. This is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem to great acclaim. The crowd...
Does Prayer Work?

Does Prayer Work?

James, the brother of Jesus, was convinced that prayer worked and encouraged the early Church to make prayer a part of their lives. So, how come sometimes it appears prayer doesn’t work? We pray and pray, we beg and plead, we make deals with God — but still that...
Does Prayer Work?

Practicing Kindness

A woman I have met infrequently sent me a card in the mail. There was no reason for her to write to me. She thanked me for my support of her writing. She wrote not to feel alone because people cared about me. She knew how isolating it was to care for an aging parent,...
Christ in Christmas

Christ in Christmas

This is the third week of Advent. So, what does that mean? It means we are in the third week on a four-week journey, preparing our hearts to recall the advent of God in human form — the form of a human baby who came to live with us, to teach us about God, and to...


The original story of Thanksgiving now evokes controversy by many, questioning the benevolence of the Pilgrims in their interaction with Native Peoples. There may be some merit in this; however, the concept of taking time once a year to express thankfulness makes...

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