Fear Not in the Worst of Times

It is six months since my 96-year-old mother and I went into self-imposed quarantine. I do not go out into public except for groceries, once to the post office to mail my taxes, and a couple times to the bank. This month we learned about two cases of Covid-19 within...

Memorial Day Revelry

This Memorial Day weekend I stayed home, remembering those who had died not only fighting for our country, but also those who died fighting for the lives of those infected with Covid-19. The virus is still raging through our country, killing nearly 100,000 people as...

Never Alone

Are you getting tired of the Covid-19 isolation? Are you feeling boxed in? Are the walls closing in on you? Are your kids giving you a new appreciation for their teachers? Are you feeling grateful for the times you could meet with friends and family when and where you...

King David’s Plague

I came upon chapter 24 in 2 Samuel quite by accident, but it struck me as apropos for these times. This is one of the last acts of King David, when the kingdom of Israel was prosperous and powerful and David was both honored and feared. He ignores advice and reaps a...

Easter Promise

Matthew 28:1-10 Among the thorns, flowers bloom. As I was riding my bike through my quarantined 55+ community in Arizona, I was struck by the profusion of flowers that sprang to life from a sudden storm over Easter weekend. I took these photos from a wide array of...

Good Friday Blues

We come to Good Friday with some trepidation. We know the story well. It is the horrendous betrayal, abandonment, torture and death of Jesus. We love Palm Sunday and Easter but would rather skip Good Friday because, well, it is depressing, terrifying, a real downer....

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