This is the 2nd in a 3-part series on the proper use of capital letters in Christian writing. The 1st in the series was Capitalization in Christian Writing.

When it comes to using pronouns in place of the name of God, this requirement is subject to the writer’s discretion. If the writer feels that all pronouns referring to God should be capitalized in their article or book, then that is fine.

If the writer chooses to follow English style guides and uses the lowercase pronouns, then that also is acceptable. There is no right or wrong on this issue. Consistency is the key. Whatever is decided should be adhered to throughout the work.

Above all else, writers must decide how to address the capitalization issue before beginning the writing process.

I have read texts where the pronouns for God are capitalized throughout a text and I find it to be fatiguing to my eyes.

For example, We know that Jesus cares for us and that He is always with us. He says His sheep know His voice and follow Him. He guides our paths, but He allows us to follow Him or choose to go our own way.

Consistency is the key. If the writer chooses to capitalize all the pronouns used in place of God’s name, this style choice must continue throughout the manuscript.

I have found that I often tire of capitalizing the pronouns He and Him. I believe readers feel the same so I choose to use lowercase pronouns. In addition, I have found that many modern Bible translations (New King James Version and the New International Version) are following this style as well.

Next week we will look further at the issue of capitalizing words in Christian writing.


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