If you are like many people I know, you are glad to leave 2019 behind and eager to see what 2020 will bring.

Of course, we can’t leave 2019 behind. We bring it with us.

We celebrate on New Year’s Eve into January 1st of the new year. Everything that went on the night before has followed us into the new year. That is true for all the days and years behind us. We would like to think crossing an invisible goal post called “New Year’s Eve” will sieve out all our mistakes, sorrows and disappointments of the previous year, but it won’t.

We can’t sieve them out. We bring them with us. Has anyone reading this made a New Year’s resolution?

According to Forbes magazine, “Studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.” Forbes suggests it is better to set specific goals than make resolutions. The more specific the goal, the more likely one is able to reach it.

I have to agree. Looking back at my journals, I have had the same “resolutions” for the past twenty years! However, the goals I set last year were all accomplished. Yahoo!

May you be blessed in all your endeavors and may you seek to spread love in all you do.

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