NativityThis is the third week of Advent.

So, what does that mean? It means we are in the third week on a four-week journey, preparing our hearts to recall the advent of God in human form — the form of a human baby who came to live with us, to teach us about God, and to heal us from our sinful lives. This is the essence of our Christian faith. That God so loved us, He gave us His son (Jesus) so whoever believes in Him, shall not die but have eternal life.

The “world” or our physical existence has many distractions at this time of year — buying, selling, visiting, feasting, decorating, etc. This holy season has become a commercial enterprise with very little connection to the Christ in Christmas.

I don’t much care if you say “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas” as long as you keep the Spirit of Christ in you heart and serve others by feeding the poor, protecting the vulnerable (the widows and orphans), welcoming the stranger (immigrant and asylum seeker), visiting those in prison, and loving all others as you would have them love you.

Let Christ come into your life — welcome His Advent.

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