This is the second part of my musing on about what we write. My previous blog, Write Out of Our Mouths, reveals what we say is often what we get. What we declare comes to pass.

As a former media consultant, I know that good news — positive, uplifting, socially informative news — is sparsely reported, and when it is reported, it is buried beneath an onslaught of trivia that is “trending” or under screaming headlines that will surely make you think the world is out of its collective mind.

And who, pray tell, are you trusting to give you the truth on these matters? Is it a publisher, editor, reporter, news director or writer you know or see on the streets in your hometown? Or is it some news mogul, in some distant high rise in some distant land, framing information to color the world as he/she wants you to see it?

Don’t be deceived about the veracity of the news you read and hear. Ugliness and death are real and happen in our world, but they happen much less often than goodness and beauty that continue to flourish daily.

We, the people, have the power to speak and write truth and good news wherever we go and whenever we can. If the world began to speak and write “good news,” given this truth about how we draw power, be it for good or ill, would we be able to change the world for the better? Let’s all speak and write good words today – and smile.

Human mouths have two lips: whether they speak good or evil is up to you. —Chinese Proverb

Human hands have ten fingers: whether they write good or evil is up to you. —Kaine’s Proverb

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