What we write or what comes out of our mouths or minds is a personal choice. What we speak is what we get. Our words, what we say and declare or write and believe, will manifest in our lives. If our words are negative, we will get more of the same. People are repulsed by negativity. But, if our words are positive and uplifting, people will be drawn to us. Good things will come to us.

This is an immutable law.

It is easy to get pulled into negative thinking, negative speaking, and negative writing. The news we hear is all bad, not just bad but horror-ible and terror-ible.  What is viewed as “good news” is usually the daily reports on the dysfunctional lives of celebrities and politicians. I assume this is because it makes us feel better about ourselves. “See, they have money and fame, and still my life is better than theirs.”  This is what is construed as good news in our culture today.

Human mouths have two lips: whether they speak good or evil is up to you. —Chinese Proverb

Human hands have ten fingers: whether they write good or evil is up to you. —Kaine’s Proverb

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