praising God

Light, space, zest–that’s God! So, with him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. –Psalm 27:1 (Message)

I am certain that God created me. I am not like anyone else. Scientifically, my DNA confirms this is true and also affirms my deeply held Christian faith.

I have been writing since I was a child. I wrote through my rebellious teenage years, my chaotic married life, and sporadically during the raising of my two sons. I wrote sedulously during my scholastic pursuits, prodigiously through my professional career, and passionately in my retirement.

It is who I am and how I’ve been created.

My work reflects my intellectual curiosity. It reflects my voracious devouring of literature and other reading material: From Ovid to Euripides, from Beowulf to Chaucer, from Shakespeare to Austin, from Wilkie to Dickens, from Hawthorne to Adams, from Bellows to Updike, from St. Augustine to Luther, from Schopenhauer to Bergman, from Gray to Grafton, from Angelou to Morrison, from Patchett to Atwood, from Lewis to Rivers.

My Christian faith is central to my life. I am not ashamed of that. I am often ashamed of the Church and some of its manifestations of cruelty and selfishness, but since it is made up of fragile, sinful people like I am, I try to practice grace and forgiveness.

You will find that my work has a definite Christian flavor. I follow no particular denomination. My devotion is to the Christ and His Holy Spirit, but it would pain me greatly if you were to think I am religious.

The beauty of creation is that we are all uniquely and lovingly made by an infinite Creator. The worst crime against each other is to try to make a rose into a daffodil or a panda into an aardvark. Grace freely given allows each of us to develop into the unique creation we are. There is room in the Kingdom of God for us all.

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